Overview of Fagus
What is Fagus? Fagus Aims Who is Fagus For? Why Use Fagus? How Can Fagus Be Used in Schools? Fagus Developmental Areas
“One way teachers become more sensitive to children is to increase their knowledge of child development. Teachers who know more about child development are more sensitive in their interactions with children.”
(p. 158, Bergin & Bergin, 2009)
What is Fagus?
Fagus is an educational resource for schools. The Fagus materials enable teaching staff to gain an understanding of a child’s strengths and difficulties across emotional and social functioning, and support goal setting towards a better future. Fagus helps schools monitor emotional and social progress in a similar way to academic progress.
Fagus provides a developmentally sequenced framework of typical behaviours which clarifies the understanding of a child’s emotional and social functioning.