
Self-Awareness Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Contents How to Use This Guide to Set Goals Introduction Developmental Sequence Overview Infancy                               (0-2 years) Early Childhood           (2-7 years) Middle Childhood      (7-11 years) Adolescence           …

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How to Use This Guide to Set Goals

How to Use This Guide to Set Goals Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness How to Use This Guide to Set Goals Read the definition at the beginning of the introduction to familiarise yourself with the topic (decide if you want to read more of the introduction) Establish the child’s current point of development – where are…

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Introduction Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Self-Awareness Defining Self-Awareness Self-awareness refers to the appreciation of oneself as an independent entity that is separate from others and the world around us. It involves being aware of our own body, actions, experiences, preferences, skills, thoughts and feelings. Self-awareness is related to, but should not be confused with, our…

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Developmental Sequence Overview

Developmental Sequence Overview Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Developmental Sequence Overview Please note that developmental ranges and ages vary substantially from child to child within typical/neurotypical development. The sequence should be used only as a guide when determining a child’s current development. In writing this guide we have been mindful that every child is unique and…

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Infancy (0-2 years)

Infancy (0-2 years) Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Infancy (0-2 years) Birth differentiates between self-touch and other-touch rooting reflex is triggered when somebody else touches the infant’s cheek, but not when they touch their own cheek 2 months primary emotions of anger, fear, joy, sadness and surprise emerge between 2 and 7 months selective and intentional…

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Early Childhood (2-7 years)

Early Childhood (2-7 years) Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Early Childhood (2-7 years) 2 years expresses wants and desires using language body self-awareness increases makes fewer body representation errors may attempt to draw simple representations of themselves makes evaluations about their own abilities (e.g. “I can run fast”) (see Self-Esteem) talks about feelings improved language skills…

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Middle Childhood (7-11 years)

Middle Childhood (7-11 years) Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Middle Childhood (7-11 years) improved self-understanding – understands themselves in terms of psychological traits as well as physical attributes (see Self-Concept) confidently expresses their own views (via speech, writing or their actions) gains an enhanced awareness of their own thought processes (referred to as metacognition; e.g. knowing…

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Adolescence (11-19 years)

Adolescence (11-19 years) Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Adolescence (11-19 years) Early adolescence (11-14 years) uses social attributes, academic abilities and feelings to define themselves differentiates their self across different roles, relationships and social contexts (e.g. “I am cheerful with my friends, shy with strangers and depressed with my parents”) defines self using abstract self-descriptions (e.g.…

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Self-Awareness: Example Objectives, Goals and Plans

Self-Awareness: Example Objectives, Goals and Plans Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Self-Awareness: Example Objectives, Goals and Plans These examples were developed for pupils attending Beech Lodge School.   Pupil A is 13 years old. He can identify emotional states in others (e.g. labelling facial expressions) but struggles to describe his own feelings. He has told adults…

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Glossary Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness Glossary Body representation error: misjudging the size of one’s body and its positioning within space Disclaimers: giving an excuse for possible, imminent poor performance (e.g. saying “I hurt my foot last night” before taking part in a sporting event) DSM5: the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of…

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References Fagus Guides > Self-Awareness References Argyle, M. (1988). Bodily communication (2nd ed.). London: Routledge Baumeister, R. F., Zhang, L., & Vohs, K. D. (2004). Gossip as cultural learning. Review of General Psychology, 8(2), 111-121 Brownell, C. A., Zerwas, S., & Ramani, G. B. (2007). “So Big”: The development of body self-awareness in toddlers. Child…

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